what is a smart home?

what is a smart home?

Smart home products are revolutionizing the lifestyle of humans around the globe. The innovative ideas of smart home products are making our lives much easier by fixing many hindrances faced by our previous generations. Here is a basic guide on smart home products and how they are influencing our lifestyle.

What are smart home products and how do they work?

Smart home products are connected and controlled through a smart home system in your presence or remotely and you can easily automate them to perform various tasks. Most of the devices we use in our homes turned smart recently. The list includes lightbulbs, speakers, doorbells, security cameras, home appliances, and more. A smart home is where you can connect and manage all the devices in your home remotely and effortlessly.


Smart home networking

The functioning of any smart home depends on the connectivity of the devices. To connect computers and other mobile devices we use the typical TCP/IP networking protocol. Smart home devices usually connect to the existing wi-fi network at your home to communicate to the base smart home system. Power consumption was an issue in many smart devices which are not mains powered and a low power consumption network protocol was required.

Wireless protocols like Zwave and Zigbee are developed to meet the specific requirements of home automation devices and they form an independent network to connect smart home devices to the main hub. The smart home devices are connected to a main hub or gateway so that users can control them using the end device.

WIFI and network automation are an integral part of any smart home network. Devices are connected to the main hub either using the existing wi-fi network of your home or using device-specific network protocols such as Zwave and Zigbee. Monitoring, control, and automation are the three principal levels in home automation and network automation is the link between these different levels.


Smart lighting and electrical control

Smart lighting allows users to control the lighting system of your home using your phone through an app. Users can turn the lights on and off with a click on their smartphone application. Electrical appliances such as TV, refrigerator, and AC can be connected to the smart home system so that you can control the performance of all these devices remotely. Insteon is a key player in the smart lighting and electrical control products field. The wide range of products from Insteon can turn your home into a smart home and the Insteon smart hub offers seamless connectivity with 3rd parties smart home systems such as Amazon Alexa and Google Nest.


Smart home security

Home security has been revolutionized by the introduction of smart home devices. Home monitoring and automation through smart home security devices will give an all-in-one solution for you to guard your home against multiple threats. Smart doorbells, Security cameras, smoke and gas detectors are a few devices that come under the smart home security category.


The smart home devices industry growing exponentially and the innovations will make our daily life less complex. Turning your home into a smart home can seem like a tough task but you can make the process hassle-free by using the right smart devices and professional guidance.

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Evergreenly has a selection of the best smart home devices, and smart home security systems in the market. We specialize in transforming your house into an easy to use energy efficient smart home. Come get inspired with practical smart home automation ideas. we also got guides on smart automations for beginners.

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